How Can Custom Mailer Boxes for Improve Customer Engagement? – 8 ways custom packaging can boost brand performance
In this era of hyper competition, brands cannot leave any stone unturned for improving customer engagement. One effective way of doing this is through customized boxes which allow brands to communicate their messages throughout the supply chain.
Let’s find out how a customized box can help you boost your brand and profitability:
1. Custom Mailer Boxes are Affordable
For any business, the ability to make profits is often the core reason for survival. A business with an excellent product and good reputation, lacking the synergy to make profits will eventually shut down.
This pressure to deliver profits necessitates that every element of business costs is carefully considered. Since product packaging and shipment to customers come under the direct costs for a brand, businesses need to optimize their cost of packaging.

Corrugated packaging solutions such as custom mailer boxes are affordable and versatile. Their ability to be shipped and stored flat also positively impacts the logistics and storage efficiencies of a business.
A basic printed mailer box can cost a mere $1.5 / unit and you can also benefit from economies of scale once you partner with a reliable packaging manufacturer. However, bear in mind that the final cost of custom packaging will depend on your box dimensions, type of box and the type of material.
A packaging manufacturer with an effective system can also often ship the flat boxes across the USA free of additional cost, making choosing the right packaging partner important.
Naturally, as a brand decides on box add-ons and customizations, the cost increases but as a general rule, mailer boxes are quite an affordable packaging solution.
2. Sturdy Mailer Boxes can Protect the Contents inside
The final strength of a custom mailer box depends on various factors such as its corrugated fluting grade and wall type. Fluting can be understood as a cushioning in the middle of the corrugated paperboard which also gives it its name.
The type of fluting, which ranks from Type F to Type A, determines the strength of the corrugated box. This is then further enhanced by the type of wall construction which can range from single-faced, single-walled, double-walled, or triple-walled.
The types of fluting and the type of wall in corrugated packaging can be visualized better from the image below:
As a brand, you have the option of choosing the type of corrugated board for your packaging needs. A reliable packaging partner who is well versed in their knowledge of the different box styles and their structural needs such as The Mailer Box, for example, would be able to guide you towards the most feasible option.
However, here is a brief guide to choosing the type of corrugated board to get you started:

Once a brand has the construction of the box figured out, it can relax with the knowledge that the custom packaging is strong enough to protect the products during delivery to the customer and also as a return/exchange if need be.
3. Custom Printed Mailer Boxes Allow Unique Branding Opportunities
Custom mailer boxes can be printed on 6 sides which gives you as a brand at least 6 opportunities to engage with the customers.
Apart from the essential product-related information, custom-printed mailer boxes can provide information about the brand, new promotional campaigns, return or exchange instructions, or even related products that the customer might be interested in.
The inside printing of the mailer box can also give motivational or engaging messages to customers or members.
For example, the Kansas State University’s Alumni Association chose to welcome its life time members with this branded giveaway box filled with university goodies.

The Mailer Box did an excellent job with the sharp and bright printing of the mailer box that would likely serve the life-time Alumni members for a long time.
Together these elements extend the image of the brand, which in this case is the Kansas State University. It also acts as an element for attracting consumers (new students as well as new members of the Alumni Association) and allows the allows the existing customers to remember the brand better.
4. Safe Exchange / Return of the Contents if Needed
One of the most important factors that has contributed to the growth of online retail and e-commerce is the customers’ ability to return or exchange the product they have received.
Without this ability, the risk that the customers face of buying a product without physically seeing can keep them from purchasing. Brands that ensure easy and seamless exchanges/returns, for example by providing return labels and clear return instructions, see an increase in sales and customer loyalty.
As a brand, you need to ensure that the products traveling back to you are in perfect condition to limit your losses and customer grievances. Neither you nor the customer wants the products to be damaged during transit.
However, as a brand owner, it is you who knows the product and its packaging requirements better and it is therefore your responsibility to provide the necessary packaging material for return logistics.
A strong mailer box can protect the products on both routes. Your customer can repack the returned or exchanged items in the same packaging and simply post them back to you.
If your products weigh > 2kgs, themailerbox.com, a trusted packaging manufacturer, recommends using a tuck-top mailer box with dust flaps. The double-walled construction of such custom mailer boxes would be able to hold the heavy products securely and ensure a tight closure on both routes.
The entire process helps in making the customer relationships with the brand seamless. Not only is the customer’s risk in ordering from you greatly reduced but customer loyalty and satisfaction with the brand increase because of a simple element such as a reliable mailer box.
5. Easy Shipping, Quick Assembly
We cannot overstate the value of effective packaging solutions in the growth of brands all over the world. Whether you sell your products physically only or like most of the global market today, have online delivery facilities for your customers, the right packaging can make a significant difference to the effectiveness of your business.
6. Customized Packaging can Enhance Unboxing Experience
Even though the print and design aesthetics on the box and the feeling of joy that the customer gets from just viewing the package are important, the actual unboxing experience is much more than that.
How easily does the mailer box open?
Are the products instead perfectly in place or are the contents scrambled up inside?
Does the structure of the box feel like an overkill for the lightweight contents inside or has the box come battered because it did not have enough structural support?
All these and more are elements that determine the unboxing experience for a customer. In many ways, the customer has started to develop a perception of your brand even before they have seen the products inside.
This is the power of packaging, especially in e-commerce. It can make or break your brand perception even before the customer lays eyes on the product.
Because of their customizability in terms of structure, material, and finishes, custom mailer boxes allow a brand to invest in developing the best packaging for their products and customers.
Whether it’s an adhesive tear strip mailer box for easy opening or a tuck top mailer box for added security, a good packaging manufacturer will be able to deliver a great unboxing experience to your customers.
7. Better Content for Social Media and Influencer Marketing
We live in a world where competition has gone beyond simply achieving customer satisfaction as the highest level of brand success. Today, the moment of customer satisfaction should be Instagram-worthy.

The box should be visually appealing, and easy to open, and the products inside should be presented like a present for the customer. These are added premiums to customer experience that increase the value of the product/brand in relationship to the price that the customer has paid.
You can create such packaging with mailer boxes.
For example, a customer mailer box with inserts will make sure that the products stay perfectly organized throughout the transportation journey and that each element of the box has its visual impact.
Similarly, an adhesive tear-strip mailer box eliminates the need for additional tools such as scissors or cutters to open the box when making content for social media.
Together these small seamless experiences add up to enhance customer engagement with the brand.
8. Corrugated Packaging is 100% Recyclable
As responsible citizens of this world, it is our collective responsibility to think about sustainability and the impact that our personal and business decisions have on the planet.
Saying this is easier than it’s done.
Even though product packaging ends up in waste, there is no way around it. A brand has to inevitably put its products in product boxes and then put those boxes together in a box for shipping.
Packaging therefore is as essential as are products themselves especially considering global trade and e-commerce.
But what can be done to cater to this is to ensure that we have a circular economy. This means that packaging is recycled, and then new packaging is made from recycled materials.
Corrugated packaging allows businesses to achieve this because of its 100% recyclability. Quite often, paperboards for corrugation are manufactured from recycled material that allows the negative impact on the environment to be minimized.
This 100% recyclability in itself is an important part of the brand’s values that can be communicated to the customers to improve the brand image.
In all, corrugated packaging in general and custom mailer boxes specifically have a lot to offer to brands looking to gain and maintain customer engagement.
All that stands between you and effective packaging solutions is finding the right packaging partner.

Ayesha Khubaib
Ayesha has a diverse experience in areas of marketing and management. Over the years, Ayesha has been involved in the packaging sector in various capacities and now aims to share packaging market insights with her readers
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